My Experience Blogging
This will be the last entry in my blog for the class, and I believe it has been very helpful for me to do. While it has taught me many things, I believe the most important part is how it has given me a new reference point for media, and how people consume it. This blog has been my opinion, and I think that has been obvious and good. For this reason, I believe that everyone can be, and to some extent is, a blogger themselves. While they may not have a weekly blog where the write down all their thoughts and opinions, the have a social media presence, or platform at work, or discussions with family, or some form of discourse that they share with others that reflect their beliefs and opinions. That is good, but I think there is an art to it, and that art is dying out. Less and less people seem to want to hear others' opinions, but want to make sure there opinion is heard by everyone. As a media and communications student, this worries me for th...